Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 2nd December 2024
Chebsey Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 2nd December 2024 in St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge.
Chebsey Parish Council
Sue Stokes
357 Stone Road Stafford ST16 1LD
Tel: 07943920070 Email:
A meeting of Chebsey Parish Council will be held on
Monday 2nd December 2024 at 7pm
In St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge
24/162 | Welcome
Public Participation. (Please refer to the Chebsey Parish Council Public Participation Policy which can be found on ) |
24/163 | Apologies. |
24/164 | Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Cllr’s for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011.) |
24/165 | Minutes and Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th November 2024. |
24/166 | Finance and Budget. ( Principal B.S Deputy S.E) |
24/167 | Technical & Infrastructure Parish Policies. (Principal B.S Deputy J.L) |
24/168 | Leisure facilities, Recreation Area & Open Spaces (Principal D.F Deputy B.S) |
24/169 | Events & Social Funding. (Principal MAH Deputy D.F) |
24/170 | Highway and Footpath Matters. (Principal J.L Deputy R.H) |
24/171 | Large Infrastructure, Housing & Rail (Principal R.H) |
24/172 | Correspondence. |
24/173 | Planning Updates. (Principal S.E Deputy MAH) |
24/174 | Items for next Parish Council Meeting. |
24/175 | Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on 6th January 2025 in St Luke’s Church Hall |
Sue Stokes Clerk to Chebsey Parish Council
22nd November 2024
Recording of Parish Council Meetings. It is permitted for meetings to be recorded or filmed without prior permission being sought apart from confidential business. Members are reminded that they should avoid saying anything which could be slanderous. While the council and its officers may be filmed or recorded, that does not apply to filming or recording members of the public, as their permission must be sought first. Any filming or recording must not be disruptive to the business of the meeting. (The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014)
Chebsey Parish Council
Sue Stokes
357 Stone Road Stafford ST16 1LD
Tel: 07943920070 Email:
Minutes of Chebsey Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 2nd December 2024 at 7pm
In St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge
Cllr’s Present: Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman (Chair) Cllr R Hopley (Vice-Chair) Cllr B Samra, Cllr J Lawson, Cllr D Wills, Cllr S Edge, Cllr D Matthews.
In Attendance: S. Stokes (Clerk)
Members of the public: None
24/162 | Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and welcomed the clerk back after her absence due to illness. Public Participation. (Please refer to the Chebsey Parish Council Public Participation Policy which can be found on ) No members of the public in attendance.
24/163 | Apologies.
Cllr J Pert (SBC SCC) Cllr P Jones (SBC)
24/164 | Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Cllr’s for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011.)
Cllr S Edge Meecebrook
24/165 | Minutes and Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 4th November 2024.
The Chair and clerk thanked Cllr Wills for taking and writing the minutes for the meeting held on 4th November 2024. 24/151 Cllr Wills contacted Homes Plus regarding the vehicles parked on the verge by The Glebe. No reply has been received. 24/152 The clerk will write to the volunteers who look after the defibrillators at Chebsey and Cold Norton to let them know, spare defibrillator pads will not be held, . 24/154 The Chair updated the councillors on the issue at Swynnerton Army Camp. Yarnfield and Cold Meece Parish Council along with Eccleshall and Swynnerton Parish Councils are liaising with the camp. Chebsey Parish Council will be included in any future meetings and correspondence. 24/156 The clerk wrote to Staffs County Council requesting speed monitoring strips on Station Road. Acknowledgement has been received.(Report no 4414674). 24/158 The clerk will contact Stone 1st Responders to ask about Defibrillator training: Action clerk.
The representative from the Children’s home in Chebsey sent his apologies to say he was unable to attend the meeting. The clerk has advised him of the next meeting date, and will contact him nearer the time to see if he can attend.
Everyone agreed the minutes were a true record of the meeting held on 4th November 2024. The Chair signed and dated the minutes.
24/166 | Finance and Budget. ( Principal B.S Deputy S.E)
Payments approved by email D M Payroll Services £50.00 paid on 7/11/24
Lloyds on line account balance as at 30th November 2024 £8462.14 (includes £286.35 ring fenced for Defib costs) Payments for approval Clerks December Salary (arrears not yet calculated for April 24 pay increase) £335.28 Balance after payment £8126.86 (includes £286.35 ring fenced for Defib costs) Payments approved by everyone present.
The annual recreation area inspection is due in December awaiting report & invoice.
The 25/26 precept was discussed .It was agreed that due to expected increases in services to the Parish Council and the rise in the cost of living the precept should be increased by 5%. The clerk will let Stafford Borough Council know of the decision and apply for the precept: Action clerk.
24/167 | Technical & Infrastructure Parish Policies. (Principal B.S Deputy J.L)
The Anti Harassment Policy has been updated and put onto the website. Cllr Samra has been researching the website companies that deal with the Gov.UK domain. He feels that the Parish Council should continue with the current website. Everyone agreed. The Chair thanked Cllr B Samra for the work he had done.
24/168 | Leisure facilities, Recreation Area & Open Spaces (Principal D.F Deputy B.S)
Cllr D Matthews updated the councillors on the Norton Bridge Recreation Area. The Zip wire has been decommissioned pending further contact with Kompan. The clerk will forward previous inspection comments to Cllr D Matthews: Action clerk. The yearly inspection is due in December.
24/169 | Events & Social Funding. (Principal MAH Deputy D.F)
Christmas Afternoon Tea 14th December 2024. There are 137 bookings at the moment, the first session being completely booked. Cllr D Matthews will put a reminder on Friends of Norton Bridge Face book page: Action Cllr D Matthews. Presents and a visit from Father Christmas have been arranged.
6th January 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 3rd February 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 3rd March 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 7th April 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 12th May 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 2nd June 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 7th July 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 1st September 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 6th October 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 3rd November 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 1st December 2025 Chebsey Parish Council Meeting
24/170 | Highway and Footpath Matters. (Principal J.L Deputy R.H)
The clerk reported the tipping of manure onto footpath 18 to the Right of Ways Department, the report was acknowledged.
Hilcote Lane is flooded and there is a very large pothole. There is a cone placed in the pothole to warn people. The road between the bus shelter and the church in Chebsey is in a very bad condition. These have both been reported to Highways before. The clerk will report them again: Action clerk.
24/171 | Large Infrastructure, Housing & Rail (Principal R.H Deputy D.W)
Cllr S Edge left the meeting at 8.05 pm due to her declaration of interest in the Meecebrook development.. The Chair and Cllr D Wills updated the councillors on the potential Meecebrook development.
24/172 | Correspondence.
Email from SBC regarding Civic Amenity visits for 2025. Visits remain at £118 per hourly session for 2025. The rates for 2026 will be set in April 2025.Discuss how many visits required for 2025. (2024 we had visits April till July, and Sept to Nov.)It was agreed that seven hourly visits will be requested as per 2024. The clerk will write to SBC: Action clerk. Email from SPCA highlighting The Samaritans. Details of the event to be held on 21st December will be put on the Parish Council Website and Face book page. Cllr D Matthews will update The Friends of Norton Bridge page. Action clerk and Cllr Matthews.
24/173 | Planning Updates. (Principal S.E Deputy MAH)
The planning application 24/39760/FUL at the Motorway Services was discussed. The councillors have no objections to the application, but would like to comment about having better control and security of the access barrier onto the B5026.The clerk will write to the Case Officer: Action clerk.
24/174 | Items for next Parish Council Meeting.
To discuss how many trees to request from the Sakura Cherry Tree Project 2019-2025
24/175 | Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on 6th January 2025 at 7pm in St Luke’s Church Hall. With no further business the Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.25pm.
Sue Stokes Clerk to Chebsey Parish Council
4th December 2024