Chebsey Parish Council Meeting 7th October 2024
Chebsey Parish Council Meeting to be held on Monday 7th October 2024 at 7pm in St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge.
Chebsey Parish Council
Sue Stokes
357 Stone Road Stafford ST16 1LD
Tel: 07943920070 Email:
A meeting of Chebsey Parish Council will be held on
Monday 7th October 2024 at 7pm
In St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge
24/133 | Welcome
Co-option vote and Declaration of Acceptance of Office for Parish Council Vacancy. Public Participation. (Please refer to the Chebsey Parish Council Public Participation Policy which can be found on ) |
24/134 | Apologies. |
24/135 | Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Cllr’s for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011.) |
24/136 | Minutes and Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 2nd September 2024. |
24/137 | Finance and Budget. ( Principal B.S Deputy S.E) |
24/138 | Technical & Infrastructure Parish Policies. (Principal B.S Deputy J.L) |
24/139 | Leisure facilities, Recreation Area & Open Spaces (Principal D.F Deputy B.S) |
24/140 | Events & Social Funding. (Principal MAH Deputy D.F) |
24/141 | Highway and Footpath Matters. (Principal J.L Deputy R.H) |
24/142 | Large Infrastructure, Housing & Rail (Principal R.H) |
24/143 | Correspondence. |
24/144 | Planning Updates. (Principal S.E Deputy MAH) |
24/145 | Items for next Parish Council Meeting. |
24/146 | Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on 4th November 2024 in St Luke’s Church Hall |
Pursuant to Section1 (2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960 it is resolved that, because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, the public and the press leave the meeting during consideration of the clerks appraisal. | |
24/147 | Discuss clerk’s appraisal |
Sue Stokes Clerk to Chebsey Parish Council
27th September 2024
Recording of Parish Council Meetings. It is permitted for meetings to be recorded or filmed without prior permission being sought apart from confidential business. Members are reminded that they should avoid saying anything which could be slanderous. While the council and its officers may be filmed or recorded, that does not apply to filming or recording members of the public, as their permission must be sought first. Any filming or recording must not be disruptive to the business of the meeting. (The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014)