Chebsey Parish Council meeting 4th November 2024
Chebsey Parish Council meeting to be held on Monday 4th November 2024, 7pm in St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge. Everyone welcome.
Chebsey Parish Council
Sue Stokes
357 Stone Road Stafford ST16 1LD
Tel: 07943920070 Email:
A meeting of Chebsey Parish Council will be held on
Monday 4th November 2024 at 7pm
In St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge
24/148 | Welcome
Public Participation. (Please refer to the Chebsey Parish Council Public Participation Policy which can be found on ) |
24/149 | Apologies. |
24/150 | Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Cllr’s for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011.) |
24/151 | Minutes and Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th October 2024. |
24/152 | Finance and Budget. ( Principal B.S Deputy S.E) |
24/153 | Technical & Infrastructure Parish Policies. (Principal B.S Deputy J.L) |
24/154 | Leisure facilities, Recreation Area & Open Spaces (Principal D.F Deputy B.S) |
24/155 | Events & Social Funding. (Principal MAH Deputy D.F) |
24/156 | Highway and Footpath Matters. (Principal J.L Deputy R.H) |
24/157 | Large Infrastructure, Housing & Rail (Principal R.H) |
24/158 | Correspondence. |
24/159 | Planning Updates. (Principal S.E Deputy MAH) |
24/160 | Items for next Parish Council Meeting. |
24/161 | Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on 2nd December 2024 in St Luke’s Church Hall |
Sue Stokes Clerk to Chebsey Parish Council
25th October 2024
Recording of Parish Council Meetings. It is permitted for meetings to be recorded or filmed without prior permission being sought apart from confidential business. Members are reminded that they should avoid saying anything which could be slanderous. While the council and its officers may be filmed or recorded, that does not apply to filming or recording members of the public, as their permission must be sought first. Any filming or recording must not be disruptive to the business of the meeting. (The Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014)
Chebsey Parish Council
Sue Stokes
357 Stone RoadStafford ST16 1LD
Tel: 07943920070 Email:
Minutes of the Chebsey Parish Council meeting held on
Monday 4th November 2024 at 7pm
In St Luke’s Church Hall Norton Bridge
Cllr’s Present: Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman (Chair) Cllr R Hopley (Vice Chair) Cllr B Samra, Cllr J Lawson, Cllr D Wills.
In Attendance: None
Members of the public: None
24/148 | Welcome
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Update on clerk The Chair updated everyone present on the clerk, having visited the clerk who is recovering at home. Everyone passed on their best wishes. In the clerk’s absence, Cllr D Wills had volunteered to take the minutes for this meeting.
Public Participation. (Please refer to the Chebsey Parish Council Public Participation Policy which can be found on ) No members of the public were in attendance.
24/149 | Apologies.
Cllr S Edge, Cllr D Matthews, Cllr J Pert (SBC SCC), Cllr P Jones (SBC), S. Stokes (Clerk)
24/150 | Declarations of interest, to consider written requests from Cllr’s for the Council to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011.)
No items raised.
24/151 | Minutes and Matters arising from the Parish Council Meeting held on 7th October 2024.
24/133 Cllr Wills spoke with the parishioner who has been tending to the verges and hedgerows in Norton Bridge, he was grateful for the thank you message from the council, and has said he will have a look at the parish council’s lawnmower. Cllr Wills has kindly offered to store the mower.Councillors also discussed names of known local volunteers. Councillors are to think of any other local volunteers and bring any names to the next meeting, so a list of known volunteers can be compiled.Action: Councillors 24/136 Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman advised that Cllr Pert has spoken with the Elections Office regarding the postal votes being delivered late for the 2023 elections. It appears that nothing can be done about the costs incurred. 24/138 Cllr B Samra advised that he has been looking into the suggested change of the website domain name to a name, as discussed in the October meeting. He will continue to look into this and update further at the January meeting, as he is away for the December meeting and so gave his apologies in advance. Action: Cllr B Samra 24/139Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman gave an update on the zip wire at Norton Bridge Recreation Area. Cllr D Matthews is liaising with Kompan, and is now completing an incident form, seeking permission from parents of children involved. The Friends of Norton Bridge group are looking to arrange another working party to finish jobs required on the recreation area before the end of 2024. 24/141At the October meeting Cllr D Matthews had received complaints from residents about vehicles parking on the grass in front of properties on The Glebe at Norton Bridge. Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman and Cllr D Wills discussed this with the Friends of Norton Bridge group, who did not think it appropriate for that group to issue communications to residents on the matter. It was highlighted that Homes Plus are the landlord of several properties on The Glebe, and may be able to help. Cllr D Wills volunteered to contact Homes Plus to bring the issue to their attention. Action: Cllr D Wills 24/143 The clerk had forwarded the correspondence on EV chargers to councillors to review. This was discussed and everyone present agreed that the council would not look further into installing public EV chargers at the present time, as there did not appear to be any suitable locations in the parish that would meet the criteria required.
The minutes of the meeting from 7th October 2024 were approved as a true record of the meeting by everyone present.
24/152 | Finance and Budget. ( Principal B.S Deputy S.E)
Precept paid into account £3870.16 Lloyds On line account balance as at 30th October £9057.42 Payments for approval SPCA Cllr D Wills training course £42.00 G Tec grass cutting at Norton Bridge Recreation Area £168.00 Clerks November salary £335.28 Lloyds On line account balance after payments £8512.14
Spare sets of pads for defibrillators were discussed.Replacement pads currently cost £72 each, and have a shelf life of 2 years. Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman advised that should pads ever be used, replacement pads can be obtained in approximately 2 days, and Eccleshall First Responders are able to loan temporary equipment in the meantime. It was agreed by everyone present that spare pads will no longer be ordered, and that the persons responsible for checking the defibrillators will ensure one set of pads remains in date and with the defibrillator, and notify the parish council in the event that a defibrillator is used. This will cut costs and wastage, while ensuring defibrillators are still available for use at all times.
Councillors voted to approve the increase in the clerks salary backdated to April 24., as per NALC guidelines. Hourly rate increase from £13.97 to £14.60 per hour. (D Malley at payroll services is working out the arrears from April 2024.)
Consideration was made to the budget for 25/26 in order to set the precept at the December meeting. It was agreed that the council needs to ensure its budget remains financially resilient, but the council also needs to be mindful of the impact on residents, taking into account the current financial climate and cost of living.
All the above payments were approved by everyone present.
24/153 | Technical & Infrastructure Parish Policies. (Principal B.S Deputy J.L)
Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman discussed the draft Anti-harassment and bullying policy, a copy of which was circulated to all councillors in advance of the meeting. The following amendments to the draft policy were agreed by everyone present: 19.1 Cllr B Samra to be the first named person to accept a formal written grievance. 19.2 The Chair to be the second named person to accept a formal written grievance. 19.4 14 days to be the maximum number of days an investigation should take. 19.6 Cllr R Hopley to be the named person to accept an appeal, appeals to be made within 14 days of receiving the outcome. The policy review date to be the date of the Annual General Meeting. The policy was agreed by everyone present, and the final policy will now be drawn up. Action: clerk
24/154 | Leisure facilities, Recreation Area & Open Spaces (Principal D.F Deputy B.S)
An update on the Norton Bridge Recreation Area had been given during Matters Arising earlier in the meeting.
Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman advised that they had attended a public meeting arranged by Yarnfield Parish Council on 23 October 2024, along with Cllr D Matthews. The meeting was attended by representatives from the Police and the Army base at Cold Meece, who gave updates on a recent incident at Yarnfield Recreation Area. Everyone present agreed that we should work to share information and build relationships with our neighbouring parishes.Concerns were raised over risk assessments, both in relation to people residing at the Army base, and locally at the 2 children’s homes in Chebsey, walking on the lanes. The clerk has invited a representative from one of the children’s homes to the December meeting, so this can be discussed further then.
24/155 | Events & Social Funding. (Principal MAH Deputy D.M)
9th November – Curry night at the Railway 22nd November – Bingo Night 30th November – Civic Amenity Visit 2nd December – Parish Council meeting. 14th December – Christmas Afternoon Tea
It was agreed by everyone present that from the takings of the Christmas Afternoon Tea, £150 would go towards the hire of the hall, and the remaining profit would be ringfenced towards ongoing costs associated with the defibrillators. Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman advised that the leader of the County Council will be attending the Christmas Afternoon Tea, and will be meeting all of the volunteers.There has already been strong interest in the Afternoon Tea, with 70 bookings already taken. A member of the public has kindly volunteered to be Santa, and will be applying for a DBS check in advance of the event.
24/156 | Highway and Footpath Matters. (Principal J.L Deputy R.H)
The matter of parking at The Glebe, Norton Bridge had been discussed in Matters Arising earlier in the meeting.
Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman raised the issue of speeding on Station Road in Norton Bridge, which had been discussed at the earlier Friends of Norton Bridge meeting. The speed camera van continues to visit regularly and results of this are being shared with the council. The results show that speeding continues to be an issue. Councillors agreed that the council should write to the County Council and request speed monitoring strips to be placed on Station Road, which will provide comprehensive data on vehicle speeds through the village at all times of day. This data can then be used to support any request for further speeding deterrent measures. Action: clerk
The need for road sweepers is to be discussed in the December meeting.
24/157 | Large Infrastructure, Housing & Rail (Principal R.H)
Councillors discussed the proposed development at Meecebrook. |
24/158 | Correspondence.
NALC Survey on Grave Reuse. It was agreed that this would affect the Parochial Church Council (PCC) but not the parish council.
Request for Defibrillator training.A request had been submitted by a resident for defibrillator training. Training has previously been looked into in conjunction with Eccleshall First Responders but it is not known if they can provide this currently.
Email received from Stone First Responders requesting a donation towards the new responder vehicle. Everyone present agreed that the council are not currently in a position to make a donation, however we could enquire whether Stone First Responders could provide the defibrillator training that has been requested. Members of the public attending the training could be asked for voluntary donations in aid of Stone First Responders, and so we could therefore support the organisation in their fundraising in that way.
Sakura Cherry Tree Project 2019-2025.This email was discussed and everyone present supported the idea of accepting some cherry trees from the project, which would be delivered for planting in November 2026. Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman and Cllr Wills had earlier attended the Friends of Norton Bridge meeting and discussed the proposal with that group, who were in favour of trees being planted in Norton Bridge. Locations in Chebsey were discussed, as well as elsewhere in the parish. It was noted that the tree planted at Hilcote to commemorate the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee in 2022 had been stolen, along with the plaque. Councillors were to suggest ideas for locations for discussion at the December meeting. Action: Councillors
24/159 | Planning Updates. (Principal S.E Deputy MAH)
Planning Application 24/39687/FUL Hill Crest Variation of Conditions from application 21/34236/FUL. The councillors had no objections to the application. The clerk will advise the Case Officer. Action: clerk
Planning Application 24/39651/HOU Erection of double garage at Hill Crest Shallowford Road Chebsey. No objections were raised to this matter by councillors at the meeting on 7 October 2024, and the clerk has advised the Case Officer. Cllr M Ainsworth-Hickman advised that they had received an objection from a member of the public following the meeting, however as this matter had already been decided at the October meeting these comments could not be taken into account.
24/160 | Items for next Parish Council Meeting.
Discuss precept request for 25/26, Cllr responsibilities, list of known volunteers, suggested locations for cherry trees, need for road sweepers, attendance of representative from the children’s home at Chebsey.
24/161 | Date of next meeting.
The next meeting will be held on2nd December 2024 in St Luke’s Church Hall at 7pm. With no other business to discuss the Chair thanked everyone for their attendance and closed the meeting at 8.00 pm.
Cllr David Wills, of Chebsey Parish Council 6th November 2024